Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Back for More!!!

Heading back up to the 1860'a lighthouse life in two days with my plucky good friend Jane of Petoskey!  Jack thinks she'll never speak to me again after these next few weeks, but WE know better, don't we Jane?  We're packing our bags, food, bug spray and anything else we can think of for our stint.   Unlike December....the last week of June will be full of tourists and HOT!  It's Michigan's State-wide LOG CABIN DAYS with lots of festivities in the historic Hessler Cabin on park property.  All a benefit to the lighthouse.  Great fun.  Not sure what to expect....mouse-catching, for sure (we know where they are....see below)....but raising the flags at sunrise, checking the perimeter, gardening,  sweeping the ever-drifting sand off the decks and carpets, running the shop and tours, chasing bugs out of the lens room....and maybe playing a part in a surprise wedding proposal!  We got wind of some out-of-State friends who might be choosing the lighthouse in early July to pop the question...so stay tuned for pictures of the moment.  Our vintage costumes are ready (along with old clothes for lighthouse drudge work).....so come along on a virtual tour with us to see what happens!  Stay tuned...
Checking for mice in the basement last year..


  1. YAY!! Hope it is super-fun, Tudi, and I'll enjoy following along on your adventure via blog. Am guessing this time of year may be busy, busy...I know you're up for it! :)
