Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14, 2012
Happy Birthday Jack!  Had a total of 10 visitors today, but we are told that is par for the course on Fridays in December.  You should have seen us....sitting, ready....all the lights on, videos going, walks swept, costumes on with nuthin' going on!  Jack finally had to go up stairs two flights to turn OFF the VCR that has a looping video with background music that sounds like the alma mater from Animal House.  Although that's one of our favorite movies, the music is too much after 200 times, even for music lovin' Jack!  We were about to SWITCH the video to something more 'hoppin...but that might not be historically, hysterically significant so we restrained ourselves.  But we had an influx of interesting visitors once the sun went down and the lights lit up (yea timers) a fellow and his folks from Alaska, people from Illinois, and others from down State.  Sonja, the Lighthouse Manager, and her husband brought over delicious Welsh cookies from their daughter's school world holiday presentation as a birthday treat for Jack -- delicious!  We could not ask to be surrounded by nicer people up here.  A watercolorists dream-muted sunset today.....a Godly wish for a more peaceful day tomorrow throughout our United States after such a terrible day in CT...even here at the lighthouse we feel the sorrow and hug our families close.


  1. Well said Tudi...hope you're getting some pics for new paintings in the future. Glad Jack had such a special day. How sweet of Sonja to bring treats. Can just picture Jack making the trip up to turn off the video...right you are tho, yesterday's events in Newtown leaves a bad hangover that is not liable to leave any time soon. Hope you get tons of interesting visitors today. xo Jane

  2. Happy Birthday, dear Jack! This b.d. will surely go down in your memory book. CLem's b.d. is Monday. Nice guys must be born in December. Loving Christmas greetings to you both. Especially today, we cherish friendship. I'm glad you are fostering a tranquil spot in the midst of a violent world. xox
