Monday, December 17, 2012

Here is roadside view as readied ourselves to say goodbye to our Lighthouse adventure this morning.  The Lighthouse Manager Sonja and her husband Brett stopped by to say goodbye to us before we left for home today.  Brett really does look like my brother, and I told him so.  In addition to caring lovingly for the logistics and political advocacy of the lighthouse, they also run Harbor View Lavender Farm on Old Mission Peninsula and brought us bath salts and soaps...along with delicious cookies.  I don't know how those two do everything they do....and raise a beautiful family on top of it all.  We have met so many wonderful, hard-working people who call Old Mission Peninsula their home.  From retirees who love the isolation and beauty of peninsula life, to the winery owners who are struggling to grow the best grapes possible on the very desirable 45th Parallel for national markets, to the farmers who work two extra jobs just to keep their little piece of heaven and a maple syrup stand out the wanderers who look for meaning from a crazy, busy life in the complete quiet of the shores, the winery tourists, the hiker, dog-walkers and the lighthouse junkies who show us their checklists of most of the 129 Michigan lighthouses they've visited & photographed.  They've all whispered in our ears and we've listened and become better people for it.  The highlight of our parting today was getting our official national U.S.L.H.S. golden pins for 2012 and a Certificate of Appreciation from the Peninsula Township Council.  The United States Lighthouse Service pins are minted yearly and given to lighthouse keepers who serve with efficiency (whew!).  What an honor,truly;-)  It was like a little unexpected graduation ceremony as were were packing up and doing double-checks of things we were likely to leave behind.  A nice surprise.  I hope the timers go on as scheduled tonight without my eager face looking out the windows....and Jack hopes he remembered to close the hatch of the lens room.  This week, a couple from Jacksonville, Florida arrive to take over our duties until the end of the month.  We left them cheat sheets about the mice and cash register.  For now, our blog may morph into "Lighthouse Keepers Keep Busy Until They Go Back There Again!"  

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